"Virtue in vice" 07.11. - 25.01.1998

RECONFIRMATION - "Christianity represses humans with the concept of the original sin and the many restrictions it makes to control humans - who are submitted to specific conditions requiring them to live with a very narrow Weltanschauung. At the same time, this repression has generated the desire to hegemonize other societies and to monopolize the world in order to overcome the guilt of being human, a guilt that organizes their entire view of the world.
The Christian isolation of physical existence only allows spiritual contact with God. This isolation has caused much suffering by generating a negative concept of the body's desires. I strongly feel that people - even those of the younger generation which reject Christianity - raised in families with Christian values are unconsciously trapped and confused by it.
I believe that people today are becoming more aware of the problem of isolating physical existence from their contact with God. As many people nowadays say they have no religion, I would like to test this "lack of faith" by asking them to participate in my experiment of reconfirmation. Passing through this ritual process they might become more aware of the state of their faith, and thereby better integrate the spiritual and physical worlds." (Noritoshi Hirakawa)